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스파르탄 레이스 @ 춘천


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2018. 6. 15. 09:26 운동일지+WOD

팔이랑 무릎다쳐서 운동 못하는중 ... 당분간 블로그 안해용.

For max reps at each station:

Tabata dumbbell shoulder presses
Tabata weighted jumping lunges
Tabata ring dips
Tabata weighted walking lunges
Tabata dumbbell push presses

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for eight intervals. There is no rest between stations.

Men: 35-lb. dumbbells
Women: 25-lb. dumbbells

Scroll for scaling options.
Post reps completed for each exercise to comments.

• CrossFit WOD 180615 Tips With Rory McKernan
• Tabata With Erik Preston
• Read: Metabolic Conditioning

Choose dumbbells that are light enough that you can work without hitting failure for the first few intervals. Modify the movements to something that allows you to get a large set of reps in the early intervals.

Intermediate Option
For max reps at each station:
Tabata dumbbell shoulder presses
Tabata jumping lunges
Tabata jumping ring dips
Tabata walking lunges
Tabata dumbbell push presses

Men: 25-lb. dumbbells
Women: 15-lb. dumbbells

Beginner Option
For max reps at each station:
Tabata dumbbell shoulder presses
Tabata walking lunges
Tabata assisted ring dips
Tabata walking lunges
Tabata dumbbell push presses

Men: 15-lb. dumbbells
Women: 10-lb. dumbbells


'운동일지+WOD' 카테고리의 다른 글

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WOD Monday 180611  (0) 2018.06.11
WOD Monday 180604  (0) 2018.06.04
posted by Gil Sagong
2018. 5. 17. 09:38 운동할때 좋은 음악

posted by Gil Sagong
2018. 5. 3. 16:12 운동할때 좋은 음악

posted by Gil Sagong
2018. 4. 30. 15:18 운동할때 좋은 음악

신나게 !! !! !!! Go!!!

posted by Gil Sagong
2018. 4. 26. 17:09 운동할때 좋은 음악

posted by Gil Sagong
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