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스파르탄 레이스 @ 춘천


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2018. 5. 21. 10:00 운동일지+WOD

Rest Day

"NIH suspends study on benefits of alcohol after questions about industry involvement," The Hill.

Post thoughts to comments.


저번 금요일 WOD 

For time:
2 rounds of:
  10 snatches, 175 / 125 lb.
  12 burpees
Then, 2 rounds of:
  10 snatches, 115 / 75 lb.
  12 burpees


For time:

2 rounds of:
  10 OADB snatches, 17.5kg
  12 burpees
Then, 2 rounds of:
  10 OADB snatches, 15kg

  12 burpees

저번 토요일 WOD 

For time:
50 handstand push-ups
50 toes-to-bars
50-cal. bike
50 dumbbell box step-overs
50-ft. right-arm dumbbell overhead lunge
50-ft. left-arm dumbbell overhead lunge

Men: 70-lb. dumbbells, 24-in. box
Women: 50-lb. dumbbells, 20-in. box


For time:
50 Overhead DB press (15kg)
50 Leg raise
50-cal. bike
50 Squats
50 right-arm dumbbell overhead lunge (15kg)
50 left-arm dumbbell overhead lunge (15kg)


저번 토, 일 운동 못했으니 오늘 몰아서!
정자세로 안한 기록은 사이비다. 정자세 신경써서 유지!!! 

시간 측정 안함.

'운동일지+WOD' 카테고리의 다른 글

WOD Wednesday 180523  (0) 2018.05.23
WOD Tuesday 180522  (0) 2018.05.22
WOD Friday 180518  (0) 2018.05.18
Rest Thursday 180517  (0) 2018.05.17
WOD Wednesday 180516  (0) 2018.05.16
posted by Gil Sagong