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스파르탄 레이스 @ 춘천


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'크로스핏'에 해당되는 글 84

  1. 2018.04.01 WOD Saturday 180331
  2. 2018.03.29 WOD Thursday 180329
  3. 2018.03.28 WOD Wednesday 180328
  4. 2018.03.27 The Kipping Pull-Up
  5. 2018.03.27 Hindu push-up
2018. 4. 1. 10:10 운동일지+WOD

5 rounds for time of:
Swim 200 meters
Rest 2 minutes

Scroll for scaling options.

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Compare to 160430.

• CrossFit WOD 180331 Tips With Adrian Bozman
• Torpedo School

Try your best to find a pool and get in the water. If it takes you more than four minutes to swim 200 meters, reduce the distance. If you are unable to find a pool, try this interval with running, biking, rowing, SkiErg, etc.

Intermediate Option
5 rounds for time of:
Swim 150 meters
Rest 2 minutes

Beginner Option
5 rounds for time of:
Swim 100 meters
Rest 2 minutes

'운동일지+WOD' 카테고리의 다른 글

WOD Monday 180402  (0) 2018.04.02
WOD Sunday 180401  (0) 2018.04.01
Rest Friday 180330  (0) 2018.03.30
WOD Thursday 180329  (0) 2018.03.29
WOD Wednesday 180328  (0) 2018.03.28
posted by Gil Sagong
2018. 3. 29. 10:19 운동일지+WOD

Power snatch 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Snatch balance 2-2-2-2-2 reps
Squat snatch 1-1-1-1-1 reps

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Compare to 150120.

• CrossFit WOD 180329 Tips With Adrian Bozman
• The Power Snatch
• The Snatch Balance
• The Snatch

This progression of snatch variations should prep you for some solid attempts at a 1-rep-max squat snatch. Experienced lifters should try to go heavy, while newer athletes should focus on mechanics and worry less about adding weight.

'운동일지+WOD' 카테고리의 다른 글

WOD Saturday 180331  (0) 2018.04.01
Rest Friday 180330  (0) 2018.03.30
WOD Wednesday 180328  (0) 2018.03.28
WOD Tuesday 180327  (0) 2018.03.27
Rest Monday 180326  (0) 2018.03.26
posted by Gil Sagong
2018. 3. 28. 10:36 운동일지+WOD


For time:
800-meter single-arm barbell farmers carry, 45/35 lb.
31 toes-to-bars
31 push-ups
31 front squats, 95/65 lb.
400-meter single-arm barbell farmers carry, 95/65 lb.
31 toes-to-bars
31 push-ups
31 hang power cleans, 135/95 lb.
200-meter single-arm barbell farmers carry, 135/95 lb.

Scroll for scaling options.

Post time to comments.

Cpl. Luke Tamatea, 31, of Kawerau, New Zealand, was killed by a roadside bomb on Aug. 19, 2012, while serving with the New Zealand Defence Force in the Bamyan Province of Afghanistan. Tamatea was posted to 1st Battalion Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment and was serving his second tour in Afghanistan at the time of his death.

He was an avid CrossFit athlete and enjoyed body-weight exercises and practicing farmers carries over long distances in preparation for Special Forces selection.

He is survived by his wife, Sarah Erb; and children, Kyla, Kaytlen, Nikita and Keira.

• CrossFit WOD 180328 Tips With Adrian Bozman
• The Kipping Toes-To-Bar

This Hero workout is long and will tax your grip. It will require focus to maintain balance on the carries. Try to modify the movements but preserve the 31 reps to commemorate Tama’s age. Pick movements that allow you to move continuously and with little rest.

Intermediate Option
For time:
800-meter single-arm barbell farmers carry, 45/35 lb.
31 toes-to-bars
31 push-ups
31 front squats, 75/55 lb.
400-meter single-arm barbell farmers carry, 75/55 lb.
31 toes-to-bars
31 push-ups
31 hang power cleans, 75/55 lb.
200-meter single-arm barbell farmers carry, 95/65 lb.

Beginner Option
For time:
400-meter single-arm barbell farmers carry, 35/22 lb.
31 sit-ups
31 knee push-ups
31 front squats, 35-/22 lb.
200-meter single-arm barbell farmers carry, 55/35 lb.
31 sit-ups
31 knee push-ups
31 hang power cleans, 55/35 lb.
200-meter single-arm barbell farmers carry, 55/35 lb.

'운동일지+WOD' 카테고리의 다른 글

Rest Friday 180330  (0) 2018.03.30
WOD Thursday 180329  (0) 2018.03.29
WOD Tuesday 180327  (0) 2018.03.27
Rest Monday 180326  (0) 2018.03.26
WOD Sunday 180325  (0) 2018.03.25
posted by Gil Sagong

스트릭트 풀업이 어느 정도(한번에 10회 정도) 되고 나서 해야한다. 

처음부터 했다가 조금만 타이밍 삐끗하거나, 힘빠지면 어깨 다침 

키핑 풀업 다음 단계가 버터플라이 풀업

점점 빠르고 전신을 효율적으로 사용하는 기술적인 방향으로 간다.

'스파르탄 레이스 > 맨몸, 러닝 훈련' 카테고리의 다른 글

Bear Crawl (곰처럼 기어가기)  (0) 2018.03.29
Jumping Muscle Up Tutorial  (0) 2018.03.28
Hindu push-up  (0) 2018.03.27
Windshield Wiper (몸통 비틀기)  (0) 2018.03.27
The GHD Hip Extension  (0) 2018.03.27
posted by Gil Sagong

posted by Gil Sagong