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스파르탄 레이스 @ 춘천


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'스파르탄 레이스/맨몸, 러닝 훈련'에 해당되는 글 34

  1. 2018.04.03 5 Min Warm Up Routine: Distance Running Drills to Run Faster
  2. 2018.04.03 3 Running Exercises to Get Faster!
  3. 2018.04.02 100 Different Push-Ups
  4. 2018.03.29 How To Run [Episode 10] Race Day
  5. 2018.03.29 How To Run [Episode 9] Pre Race Briefing

이것도 시간되는대로 루틴 정리해야겠다.

'스파르탄 레이스 > 맨몸, 러닝 훈련' 카테고리의 다른 글

The Box Jump  (0) 2018.04.11
The Kipping Toes-to-bar  (0) 2018.04.06
3 Running Exercises to Get Faster!  (0) 2018.04.03
100 Different Push-Ups  (0) 2018.04.02
How To Run [Episode 10] Race Day  (0) 2018.03.29
posted by Gil Sagong


4 Min :

20 sec workout

10 sec rest

Jump squat

4 Min :

20 sec workout

10 sec rest


3~5 Round :

5~10 Box jump

400m sprint

posted by Gil Sagong

다양한 푸쉬업들을 배울수 있는 영상

posted by Gil Sagong

How To Run [Episode 10] Race Day

posted by Gil Sagong

How To Run [Episode 9] Pre Race Briefing

posted by Gil Sagong
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