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'운동일지+WOD'에 해당되는 글 72

  1. 2018.04.19 Rest Thursday 180419
  2. 2018.04.18 WOD Wednesday 180418
  3. 2018.04.17 WOD Tuesday 180417
  4. 2018.04.16 WOD Monday 180416
  5. 2018.04.15 Rest Sunday 180415
2018. 4. 19. 09:28 운동일지+WOD

Rest Day

"The Corruption of Evidence Based Medicine — Killing for Profit," Medium.

Post thoughts to comments.


지금 이 인생을 다시 한번 완전히 똑같이 살아도 좋다는 마음으로 살라. 

- 니체 - 짜라투스트라는 이렇게 말했다 中

'운동일지+WOD' 카테고리의 다른 글

WOD Saturday 180421  (0) 2018.04.21
WOD Friday 180420  (0) 2018.04.20
WOD Wednesday 180418  (0) 2018.04.18
WOD Tuesday 180417  (0) 2018.04.17
WOD Monday 180416  (0) 2018.04.16
posted by Gil Sagong
2018. 4. 18. 09:22 운동일지+WOD

Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:
20 push-ups
30 sit-ups
40-cal. row

Scroll for scaling options.
Post rounds completed to comments.

• The Push-Up
• The Sit-Up

Reduce the number of reps of each exercise in this longer AMRAP so you can keep moving with very little rest.

Intermediate Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:
10 push-ups
20 sit-ups
30-cal. row

Beginner Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 knee push-ups
15 sit-ups
20-cal. row



Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:
20 push-ups
30 sit-ups
40 Resistance band row

Result : 

7R + 27 Sit-ups

Extra #1

7 Rnd :

30 Good morning

30 Superman

30 Squats 

Result :



밴드는 챙겨왔지, 출장중이라 숙소에서 진행

이상하게 오늘따라 방전이 심하다.. 뭘 잘못먹었나?


Master Chief John Urgayle: Pain is your friend, your ally, it will tell you when you are seriously injured, it will keep you awake and angry, and remind you to finish the job and get the hell home. But you know the best thing about pain?

Lt. Jordan O'Neil: Don't know!

Master Chief John Urgayle: It lets you know you're not dead yet!

G.I Jane - 1997

'운동일지+WOD' 카테고리의 다른 글

WOD Friday 180420  (0) 2018.04.20
Rest Thursday 180419  (0) 2018.04.19
WOD Tuesday 180417  (0) 2018.04.17
WOD Monday 180416  (0) 2018.04.16
Rest Sunday 180415  (0) 2018.04.15
posted by Gil Sagong
2018. 4. 17. 10:43 운동일지+WOD

7 rounds for time of:
5 power snatches
1 sub-0:40 200-m sprint

If the sprint takes longer than 40 seconds, redo it before moving back to the snatch.

Men: 135 lb.
Women: 95 lb.

Scroll for scaling options.
Post time to comments.

• CrossFit WOD 180417 Tips With Tyson Oldroyd
• The Power Snatch

This workout requires you to find a balance between speed and pacing. You want to rest as little as possible while still meeting the time requirement to avoid extra runs. Pick a run pace that requires a strong effort but is a few seconds slower than your max effort. Use the same load on the snatch that you would use for Grace or Isabel. Intermediate


7 rounds for time of:
5 power snatches
sub-0:50 200-m sprint

Men: 115 lb.
Women: 80 lb.

Beginner Option

5 rounds for time of:
5 power snatches
sub-1:00 200-m sprint

Men: 65 lb.
Women: 45 lb.



7 Rnd :

20 Pike push-ups

30 Push-ups

40 Squats

50 Lunges (Alt)

Result : 

시간측정 꼬임. 일단 완


Don't be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try.

실패함를 걱정하지 말라. 시도하지 않음을 걱정하라. 

'운동일지+WOD' 카테고리의 다른 글

Rest Thursday 180419  (0) 2018.04.19
WOD Wednesday 180418  (0) 2018.04.18
WOD Monday 180416  (0) 2018.04.16
Rest Sunday 180415  (0) 2018.04.15
WOD Saturday 180414  (0) 2018.04.14
posted by Gil Sagong
2018. 4. 16. 10:13 운동일지+WOD

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Bike (calories)

Scroll for scaling options.
Post time to comments.

• CrossFit WOD 180416 Tips With Tyson Oldroyd
• The Triple-Under

This couplet pairs a high-skill, explosive and frequently frustrating movement with mindless suffering. Pick a modification for the triple-unders that is doable yet still challenging. Try to maintain intensity on the bike while composing yourself for the next round.

Intermediate Option
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Double-unders *
Bike (calories)

*Use the worst jump rope you can find or even an old piece of rope to make these more difficult than normal.

Beginner Option
For time:
45 single-unders
15-cal. bike
36 single-unders
12-cal. bike
27 single-unders
9-cal. bike
18 single-unders
6-cal. bike
9 single-unders
3-cal. bike



21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:

Tuck jumps


Result : 


Extra #1

10x 5 Weighted pull-ups 

Result :

1~7R 10kg

8,9R 12.5kg

10R 15kg

Extra #2

Baby Barbara

5 Rnd :

10 Pull-ups

20 Hindu push-ups

30 Sit-ups

40 Squat

Result :



운동끝나고 랩노쉬 먹는데 왜캐 꿀맛이냐. 좋네~

'운동일지+WOD' 카테고리의 다른 글

WOD Wednesday 180418  (0) 2018.04.18
WOD Tuesday 180417  (0) 2018.04.17
Rest Sunday 180415  (0) 2018.04.15
WOD Saturday 180414  (0) 2018.04.14
WOD Friday 180413  (0) 2018.04.13
posted by Gil Sagong
2018. 4. 15. 10:51 운동일지+WOD

Rest Day

"Food Stamps Shouldn’t Pay for Junk," The Wall Street Journal.

Post thoughts to comments.



5 Rnd :

20 Pull-ups

30 Push-ups

40 Sit-ups

50 Squats

3 min rest

Result :


Extra #1

100 Windshield wiper

Extra #2

5x 5 Weighted pull-ups

10kg - 10kg - 10kg - 12.5kg - 15kg

Extra #3

5x 10 Archer push-ups


내일부터 또 출장이라 오늘 운동함.

'운동일지+WOD' 카테고리의 다른 글

WOD Tuesday 180417  (0) 2018.04.17
WOD Monday 180416  (0) 2018.04.16
WOD Saturday 180414  (0) 2018.04.14
WOD Friday 180413  (0) 2018.04.13
WOD Thursday 180412  (0) 2018.04.12
posted by Gil Sagong