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'크로스핏'에 해당되는 글 84

  1. 2018.05.24 WOD Thursday 180524
  2. 2018.05.23 WOD Wednesday 180523
  3. 2018.05.22 WOD Tuesday 180522
  4. 2018.05.21 Rest Monday 180521
  5. 2018.05.18 The CrossFit Games: Individual - Triple 3
2018. 5. 24. 09:08 운동일지+WOD

3 rounds for time of:
10 dumbbell hang squat snatches, left arm
5 bar muscle-ups
10 dumbbell hang squat snatches, right arm
5 bar muscle-ups

Men: 55-lb. dumbbell
Women: 40-lb. dumbbell

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Compare to 151228.

• CrossFit WOD 180524 Tips With Rory McKernan
• The Bar Muscle-Up With Boz
• The Dumbbell Hang Snatch

This couplet pairs a light weightlifting movement that demands a high level of flexibility with a high-skill gymnastics movement. Use a dumbbell that allows you to maintain sound mechanics while at the end range of your flexibility.

이 커플렛은 고도의 기술을 가진 체조 운동으로 높은 수준의 유연성을 요구하는 가벼운 역도 운동과 조화를 이룹니다. 최대 가동범위에서 역학적 자세를 유지하게 해주는 덤벨을 사용하십시오.

Intermediate Option

3 rounds for time of:
10 dumbbell hang squat snatches, left arm
3 bar muscle-ups
10 dumbbell hang squat snatches, right arm
3 bar muscle-ups

Men: 45-lb. dumbbell
Women: 30-lb. dumbbell

Beginner Option
3 rounds for time of:
10 dumbbell overhead squats, left arm
ring rows
10 dumbbell overhead squats, right arm
ring rows

Men: 20-lb. dumbbell
Women: 15-lb. dumbbell

'운동일지+WOD' 카테고리의 다른 글

WOD Sunday 180527  (0) 2018.05.27
Rest Friday 180525  (0) 2018.05.25
WOD Wednesday 180523  (0) 2018.05.23
WOD Tuesday 180522  (0) 2018.05.22
Rest Monday 180521  (0) 2018.05.21
posted by Gil Sagong
2018. 5. 23. 09:56 운동일지+WOD

3 rounds of:
1 minute of sumo deadlift high pulls
1 minute of GHD sit-ups
1 minute of push presses
1 minute of GHD sit-ups
Rest 1 minute

Men: 95 lb.
Women: 65 lb.

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• CrossFit WOD 180523 Tips With Rory McKernan
• Midline Stabilization: The GHD Sit-Up

Reduce the loads on the weightlifting movements and modify the GHD sit-ups. The full-range-of-motion GHD sit-up is a potent exercise, and this workout presents high volume. Intermediate athletes might want to shorten the range, while newer athletes can avoid the GHD completely in this workout.

역도성 운동의 부하를 줄이고 GHD 윗몸 일으키기 횟수를 수정하십시오. 최대 가동범위의 GHD 윗몸 일으키기는 강력한 운동이며,이 운동은 높은 볼륨을 제공합니다. 중급자 정도의 크로스피터는 횟수 범위를 줄이는 것이 좋지만 초심자의 경우이 운동에서 GHD를 완전히 배제할 수 있습니다.

Intermediate Option
3 rounds of:
1 minute of sumo deadlift high pulls
1 minute of GHD sit-ups, to parallel
1 minute of push presses
1 minute of GHD sit-ups, to parallel
Rest 1 minute

Men: 75 lb.
Women: 55 lb.

Beginner Option
3 rounds of:
1 minute of sumo deadlift high pulls
1 minute of sit-ups
1 minute of push presses
1 minute of sit-ups
Rest 1 minute

Men: 45 lb.
Women: 35 lb.

'운동일지+WOD' 카테고리의 다른 글

Rest Friday 180525  (0) 2018.05.25
WOD Thursday 180524  (0) 2018.05.24
WOD Tuesday 180522  (0) 2018.05.22
Rest Monday 180521  (0) 2018.05.21
WOD Friday 180518  (0) 2018.05.18
posted by Gil Sagong
2018. 5. 22. 21:27 운동일지+WOD

Clean and jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

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Compare to 171203.

• CrossFit WOD 180522 Tips With Rory McKernan
• Chad Vaughn, 315-lb. Clean and Jerk

Pick loads that allow you to attempt to set a PR in the later sets. If you are not comfortable performing very heavy clean and jerks, add a few reps to each set and drill your mechanics, but try to expose yourself to a load that is relatively heavy for you.

Beginner Option
Clean and jerk 3-3-3-2-2-1-1-1 reps



'운동일지+WOD' 카테고리의 다른 글

WOD Thursday 180524  (0) 2018.05.24
WOD Wednesday 180523  (0) 2018.05.23
Rest Monday 180521  (0) 2018.05.21
WOD Friday 180518  (0) 2018.05.18
Rest Thursday 180517  (0) 2018.05.17
posted by Gil Sagong
2018. 5. 21. 10:00 운동일지+WOD

Rest Day

"NIH suspends study on benefits of alcohol after questions about industry involvement," The Hill.

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저번 금요일 WOD 

For time:
2 rounds of:
  10 snatches, 175 / 125 lb.
  12 burpees
Then, 2 rounds of:
  10 snatches, 115 / 75 lb.
  12 burpees


For time:

2 rounds of:
  10 OADB snatches, 17.5kg
  12 burpees
Then, 2 rounds of:
  10 OADB snatches, 15kg

  12 burpees

저번 토요일 WOD 

For time:
50 handstand push-ups
50 toes-to-bars
50-cal. bike
50 dumbbell box step-overs
50-ft. right-arm dumbbell overhead lunge
50-ft. left-arm dumbbell overhead lunge

Men: 70-lb. dumbbells, 24-in. box
Women: 50-lb. dumbbells, 20-in. box


For time:
50 Overhead DB press (15kg)
50 Leg raise
50-cal. bike
50 Squats
50 right-arm dumbbell overhead lunge (15kg)
50 left-arm dumbbell overhead lunge (15kg)


저번 토, 일 운동 못했으니 오늘 몰아서!
정자세로 안한 기록은 사이비다. 정자세 신경써서 유지!!! 

시간 측정 안함.

'운동일지+WOD' 카테고리의 다른 글

WOD Wednesday 180523  (0) 2018.05.23
WOD Tuesday 180522  (0) 2018.05.22
WOD Friday 180518  (0) 2018.05.18
Rest Thursday 180517  (0) 2018.05.17
WOD Wednesday 180516  (0) 2018.05.16
posted by Gil Sagong

Triple 3

For time:
3,000-m row
300 double-unders
3-mile run

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Compare to 140724.

• CrossFit WOD 180518 Tips With Rory McKernan
• You and Mat Fraser Vs. Linda and Triple 3

Massively reduce the volume. This should be a long-duration workout, but not so long that you die. Try single-unders. Keep it long.

Beginner Option
For time:
1,000-m row
100 single-unders
1-mile run

posted by Gil Sagong
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