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'덤벨'에 해당되는 글 8

  1. 2018.03.27 The Thruster (Dumbbell & Barbbell)
  2. 2018.03.23 Dumbbell clean & jerk / Dumbbell front squat
  3. 2018.03.03 WOD 180303

posted by Gil Sagong

Dumbbell clean & jerk

Dumbbell front squat

posted by Gil Sagong
2018. 3. 3. 22:20 구자료/훈련일지(구)



Barbbell squat

Dumbbell hang power clean and press

Hindu push-up 


Barbbell 50 kg

Dumbbell 10 kg


32 min 1 sec 


3 Round (Moderate) :

15 Overhead Squat

15 Push-up

30 Jumping jack

Extra workout

50 push-up

100 Sit-up 

40 Dumbbell hang power clean and press 

8 Pull-up 

'구자료 > 훈련일지(구)' 카테고리의 다른 글

WOD 180308  (0) 2018.03.08
WOD 180307  (0) 2018.03.07
WOD 180306  (0) 2018.03.06
WOD 180305  (0) 2018.03.05
WOD 180304  (0) 2018.03.04
posted by Gil Sagong
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